The Reconciliation Statuses in the Bank Account Reconciliation

The status field on the Bank Account Reconciliation line keeps users informed about the status of each line, with color-coded statuses providing a quick visual guide to the state of each reconciliation. Users can easily identify and manage reconciliations, and access the Payment Application Review page through the Reconciliation Status field for a detailed review.

This article lists the possible statuses in the Bank Account Reconciliation Journal. If you are looking for the statuses in the Payment Reconciliation Journal, refer to the dedicated article.

(Red and in bold)
No direct match found. This can be due to automatic matching not being done, not finding any payment application proposals, or the lines being unapplied by the user.Resolving a line with status Unsolved, requires some manual work:
  1. Select the status to open the Payment Application Review page
  2. Select Show Bank Statement Details to find any clues for finding the ledger entry that belongs to the line. Try to identify the account and manually apply the entry.
  3. Try to identify the account and manually apply the entry.
Pending (Yellow)When a payment application proposal is generated and applied, it triggers the creation of a journal line in the Cash Receipt Journal. This serves a dual purpose: first, to post the payment and close the associated ledger entry, and second, to register the payment in the relevant bank account. Consequently, this process generates a Bank Account Ledger Entry that is automatically reconciled upon journal posting. In situations where no direct match is found, bank statement lines are presented with reconciliation suggestions based on outstanding customer, vendor, or employee payments. To streamline the reconciliation of Bank Account Ledger Entries, a dedicated Cash Receipt Journal is linked to Bank Account Reconciliation. This setup ensures that any payment application proposal not directly associated with a Bank Account Ledger Entry generates a corresponding journal line in the Cash Receipt Journal. This specialized journal configuration is specifically designed for Bank Account Reconciliation purposes. Notably, this reconciliation method supports various journal types, including General, Cash Receipt, and Payment journals. To implement this setup, users can configure it either on the bank account card or on the general Bank Import Setup page.Resolving a line with the status Pending journal comes with proposals found by the system. To resolve a line with this status:
  1. Select the status to open the Payment Application Review page. Alternatively, select the number in the Payment Application Proposal column.
  2. You can now see the proposals for matching this line. For your convenience, you can now directly open the related journal and reconcile and post the line there.
Alternatively, on the Bank Account Reconciliation page, navigate to the General FastTab and in the No. of related lines in section, open the journal directly.
Related Party Matched
Transactions are partially matched but need further investigation. The system identified an account (customer, vendor, or employee) but couldn't find corresponding ledger entries.For lines with the status Related Party Matched, the system couldn't find a matching ledger entry but did find the origin of the payment. For manually applying entries, you can open the Apply Ledger Entries page directly, or open the Payment Application Review page and use the Apply Entries action
Review Proposals
Payment application proposals were generated but couldn't be automatically applied due to discrepancies in amounts. The user needs to review and manually allocate the payments.
To make the matching process more efficient, you can specify a tolerance amount for automatic matching of Payment Application Proposals. See the Importing bank statements article for more information.
For lines with the status Review Proposals, the system found a matching ledger entry, but the amount is not the same. To resolve a line with this status
  1. Select the status to open the Payment Application Review page. Alternatively, select the number in the Payment Application Proposal column.
  2. You can now see the ledger entry that probably belongs to this payment. For your convenience, you can now directly open the related journal and reconcile and post the line there.
(Green and in bold)
The processing of the lines has been completed, and a successful match has been identified, indicating that the line is ready for posting. However, the way this status operates varies based on the statement type. In Bank Account Reconciliation, a line achieves the completed status when one or more Bank Account Ledger Entries have been successfully reconciled. If a payment application proposal is discovered and applied, the corresponding journal line must be posted before automatic reconciliation occurs, transitioning the status to "completed." In Payment Reconciliation, the status switches to "completed" immediately after the payment application is successfully applied.No action is required, the status Completed signifies the conclusion of the reconciliation process for the specific line, confirming that the records are now balanced and accurate.
Search Rule Invalid
A Search Rule matched with the Bank Account Reconciliation Line is missing an Account No. The user is notified on the Payment Application Review Page and Search Rules pages to correct this.Open the invalid Search Rule and correct the missing information. Re-run the reconciliation process.
Search Rule Matched
A Search Rule matched with the Bank Account Reconciliation Line correctly, assigning values to the Account Type and Account No. fields.No action required unless further manual review is necessary.
Pending Cash Receipt Journal
Payment proposals created and awaiting posting. This status is only used in the Bank Account Reconciliation. When a payment application proposal is created and applied then a journal line is created in the Cash Receipt Journal. This is to post the payment and close the ledger entry while at the same time to post the payment on the bank account in question. This will then produce the Bank Account Ledger Entry that is reconciled automatically when the journal is posted.

However the status can also be relevant if a journal line is created based on a Search Rule with Account Type Customer is matched to the line. The posting is then done in accordance of the setting on the Search Rule.
Open the related journal and post the line. For quick access, on the General FastTab, within the Related Lines in Journal section, select the number in the Cash Receipt Journal field.
Pending General Journal
Similar to Pending Cash Receipt Journal, but the journal line is created based on a Search Rule with Account Type G/L Account matched to the line.Open the related journal and post the line. For quick access, on the General FastTab, within the Related Lines in Journal section, select the number in the General Journal field.
Pending Payment Journal
Similar to Pending Cash Receipt Journal, but the journal line is created based on matching Vendor or Employee Ledger Entries or a Search Rule with Account Type Vendor or Employee matched to the line.Open the related journal and post the line. For quick access, on the General FastTab, within the Related Lines in Journal section, select the number in the Payment Journal field.
Indicates that there is an unresolved amount discrepancy in the line.Possible actions are:
  • Transfer the difference - on the Bank Acc. Reconciliation Page, select Transfer Difference to Journal. On the Payment Journal Reconciliation, select Transfer Difference to Account. This line will display as an indented line below the original line.
  • Post the difference - use the Post All Journal Lines action to post both the regular entries and the difference in one step. Alternatively, you can post the lines individually in separate journals. You can also select Post Journals on the Payment Application Review page.
  • Review and adjust - adjust the transaction or apply the difference to a specific ledger entry manually.
  • Check the settings - configure amount difference handling settings on the Banking Import Setup page or the search rule.
ManualIf a matching record cannot be found, the status remains Unsolved. You can then manually change the status to Manual to indicate that the user needs to manually manage the posting for a specific line, typically in cases where automatic rules, such as search rules, don't apply.Possible actions are:
  1. Transfer Manual Status Lines to Journal - select the lines that are marked as Manual and transfer them to a selected journal using the transfer button.
  2. Process in Journal - you can now perform any necessary actions just like with any other journal lines.