Creating mandates in a batch
Create Mandate for Customer
You have the option to create several mandates at once in by using the task "Create mandates for customer".
Define the No. Series to be used for assigning the mandate number; if you want to use the customer number for coding, set the Use Customer No. f. Mandante switch to Yes.
The Mandate Type selected is used to determine the periods for the due date calculation; you have stored the associated parameters in SEPA DD Setup in the Mandate tab.
Select from:
- Core for SEPA-Basic-DD,
- B2B for SEPA-Company DD,
- Cor1 for old Cor1-Mandate.
Please note that With SEPA version 3.0 DK, since November 2016, only the mandate types Core and B2B are permitted in Germany; Core receives the same execution periods as Cor1, which was also possible until then.
Then use the Mandate Delegation Code to specify which text you want to use for the mandate delegation letter. If you leave the field empty, the default entered in the SEPA DD Setup in the Mandate tab will be used.
Store the start date for the validity in the Mandate valid after field if this is identical for all mandates created in the batch.
If you have specified in the SEPA DD Setup that you work with several Creditor IDs, enter the bank account associated with the Creditor ID to be used now. This information controls the printing of the correct ID in the mandate delegation letter. If you are only working with a Creditor ID, this field remains empty.
Then, in the Print & Release Mandate field, select the action that should apply to all mandates created in the batch:
- Release: The mandates are released without a letter being generated for them from Business Central.
- Release & Print: If you want to generate the mandate letters from Business Central, you can initiate batch printing here.
If you only want to create Single Mandate (mandate type OOFF), set the value in the corresponding field.
Specify whether Business Central should check during batch processing whether mandates already exist for customers of the selection made. If you set the switch One Mandate per Bank only, then it is prevented that several valid mandates exist per customer bank account. Then start the batch processing with OK.