
The articles in this section explain how to work with emission factor sets, both your own and the ones managed by Continia.

View an overview of the Emission Factor Sets available.Emission Factor Databases
Add a Emission Factor Set that is managed by ContiniaAdding a Continia-managed Emission Factor Set
Learn how to select accurate emissionSelecting accurate emission factors
Learn how to work with an Emission Factor SetWorking with an Emission Factor Set
Create an Emission Factor SetCreating and Emission Factor Set
Update an Emission Factor SetUpdating an Emission Factor Set
Mark an Emission Factor Set as discontinuedFlagging an Emission Factor Set as discontinued
Learn more about the Europe-focused AIBAIB
Learn more about New-Zealand-focused Auckland Council Consumption Emission MethodologyAuckland Council Consumption Emission Methodology
Learn more about the global Electric databaseElectric
Learn more about the global Exiobase databaseExiobase
Learn more about the Denmark-focused KlimakompassetKlimakompasset
Learn more about the Netherlands-focused CO2 Emissie FactorenCO2 Emissiefactoren
Learn more about the New Zealand-focused New Zealand summary of emission factorsNew Zealand Summary of Emission Factors
Learn more about the UK-focused SIC databaseSIC
Learn more about the US-focused US EPA Supply Chain EmissionsUS EPA Supply Chain Emissions
Learn more about the US-focused US EPA for GHG InventoriesUS EPA for GHG Inventories