Installing Continia Sustainability On-Premises
This article describes how to install Continia Sustainability in on-premises deployments of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Note that you must be assisted by your Continia partner whenever you install the software.
If you upgrade Business Central to a different version or cumulative upgrade, you must uninstall Continia Sustainability and then install the Continia Sustainability runtime package that corresponds to the new version of Business Central.
To install Continia Sustainability
In order to simplify the installation process, Continia has developed a PowerShell script that ensures that Continia Sustainability is installed correctly and that all dependencies work as intended.
To install Continia Sustainability using this script, follow these steps:
Go to the Continia PartnerZone.
In the menu at the top, select Downloads.
Use the filters to locate the latest version of Continia Sustainability, and select Download to download the installation package.
Extract the product package to a folder on your computer.
In the app folder, select the folder that matches your Business Central version (your platform), including the correct cumulative update.
As Continia apps are distributed as runtime packages, you must select the right version. Runtime packages are guaranteed to work only if published to a platform with the same version as the one on which they were created.
To execute the install script, do one of the following:
- Run Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
- In the PowerShell prompt, change the directory to the folder you selected in step 5, and then execute Install.ps1.
If you have different versions of Business Central installed, select the relevant one in the script.
When asked to select the solution you want to install, select Continia Sustainability.
Select the server instance where the app should be installed.
This will initiate the installation of Continia Sustainability, which can take 1-2 minutes, depending on the size of your database. On completion, press any key to exit.
When the app is installed, a notification appears asking you to activate the Continia Sustainability solution. Follow the link in the notification to begin the activation and set up of the solution.