Changelog for Payment Management Docs

This article lists all relevant changes to Docs for Continia Payment Management, covering both new and updated articles.


For more information about the changes in the Payment Management application, see the Detailed Changelogs for Continia Payment Management article.

July 2024

Supported banks in the United KingdomWe have updated the bank articles to accurately reflect the payment types supported by Yapily.

May 2024

Preparing direct communication through YapilyThis new article describes how to prepare for direct communication with your UK bank through Yapily by granting the necessary permissions.

April 2024

Onboarding Handelsbanken GlobalOn-Line with Direct CommunicationUpdated the article to clarify the different phases involved in setting up the connection with Handelsbanken GlobalOn-Line.
Enabling bank account verificationUpdated the article to describe the new settings for (dis)allowing users to approve their own changes to the bank account information.
Suggesting and processing paymentsUpdated the article to describe the usage of the 6216364 CPM Post Payment Journal job queue.

March 2024

United KingdomUpdated the UK article to reflect the ability to support bank communication via Yapily.
Onboarding Yapily with direct communicationAdded an article to describe how to integrate with your United Kingdom-based bank via Yapily.
The Payment Management fields on the customer cardNew article that describes the Payment Management-specific fields on the customer card and how to benefit from them.
Setting up payment identification search rulesNew article that describes how you can enhance matching capabilities using Payment Identification Search rules.

February 2024

The Payment Management Setup pageNew article that describes the fields and functions of the Payment Management Setup page.

January 2024

The Netherlands and PMNew article that describes the version recommendations, solution limitations, and known issues for using Payment Management in relation to banks in the Netherlands.
Eika AllianceNew article that explains the steps to connect to Eika Alliance banks.

December 2023

OP Corporate bankNew article that explains the steps to connect to OP Corporate Bank.
Comparison of Features in Different Versions of Payment ManagementA new article has been created which lists all the available features across different versions.

November 2023

Setting up search exception rulesNew article on bank account reconciliation introduces new functionality to exclude matching based on specific words.
Migrating Continia Payment Management from Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises to CloudAdded a section about migrating bank certificates. When migrating to Microsoft Business Central in the cloud, bank certificates don't transfer automatically.
Onboarding ABN AMRO with direct communicationArticle update to describe in detail how to prepare for establishing the connection with ABN AMRO.

October 2023

Migrating Continia Payment Management from Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises to CloudThere is a new article available that provides instructions on how to migrate from Continia Payment Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central on-premises to the cloud.
Suggesting and processing employee paymentsAdded a section for employee payments.
Suggesting and Processing PaymentsThe article has been extended to provide a clearer description of the payment suggestion process.

September 2023

Bank Account VerificationNew article that describes how to enable bank account verification to enhance the security of Payment Management processes.
Nordea USNew article about how to connect with Nordea US.
Setting up Payment Approval WorkflowsAddition to the existing article to describe the All up to limit option.

August 2023

NetsEasyNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for NetsEasy and how to send payment data between NetsEasy and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from NetsEasy invoices.
Onboarding ABN AMRO to use Direct CommunicationAdded section on how to prepare your ABN AMRO setup for direct communication.

July 2023

Add dimensions to bank account reconciliation rulesAddition to Setting up Bank Account Reconciliation Rules article about the functionality to include dimensions on bank account reconciliation rules.

June 2023

WorldlineNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for Worldline and how to send payment data between Worldline and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from Worldline invoices.
Matching ledger entries with PSP paymentsNew article that describes how to enable the matching of ledger entries with payment lines imported from a Payment Service Provider.

May 2023

Setting up G accountsNew article that describes how to set up the G account fields.

April 2023

Creating an OCR reference for Bank GirotNew article that describes how you can set up the OCR type for Bankgirot.
Adding detailed expense information to the payment journalNew article about how you can benefit from working with both Payment Management and Expense Management.

March 2023

Using job queues to schedule tasksNew article about the default Payment Management default job queue codeunits available.
Onboarding Rabobank to use Direct CommunicationAdded section on how to prepare your Rabobank setup for direct communication.
Continia NotificationsNew article about how Continia Notifications inform you about relevant updates via notifications directly in Business Central.

February 2023

AdyenNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for Adyen and how to send payment data between Adyen and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from Adyen invoices.
MollieNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for Mollie and how to send payment data between Mollie and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from Mollie invoices.
Using the Payment Management fields on the vendor cardNew article that lists the Payment Management-specific fields on the vendor card.

January 2023

Onboarding Rabobank to use Direct CommunicationNew article about how to set up direct communication for Rabobank using direct integration.
Payment Service ProvidersOverview article about how to use Continia Payment Management to establish integrated communication between Business Central and payment service providers.
Adding a Payment Service ProviderNew article about how to add an agreement for a preset Payment Service Provider.
Importing Payment Service Provider paymentsNew article about how to import payments from payment service providers (PSPs) by using PSP agreements to set up the bank account and the rules for import.
AmazonNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for Amazon and how to send payment data between Amazon and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from Amazon invoices.
bol.comNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for and how to send payment data between Amazon and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from invoices.
KlarnaNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for Klarna and how to send payment data between Amazon and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from Klarna invoices.
PayPalNew article about the Payment Service Provider integration feature for PayPal and how to send payment data between Amazon and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Includes the default rules that separate the fees and other charges from PayPal invoices.
Sparebanken SørNew article about Sparebanken Sør.
Onboarding Sparebanken Sør with Direct CommunicationNew article about how to set up direct communication for Sparebanken Sør.
Sparebanken MøreNew article about Sparebanken Møre.
Onboarding Sparebanken Møre with Direct CommunicationNew article about how to set up direct communication for Sparebanken Møre.
Bank Export DataAdded record type description.
Starting Bank Account ReconciliationNew article about how to prepare for bank account reconciliation.
Preparing your setup for Payment ManagementNew article with a checklist to help you prepare your setup to make working with Payment Management easier.

December 2022

Setting up Direct DebitUpdated to list the requirements for using direct debit and added information about adding the mandate ID to the customer card to facilitate adding invoices automatically.
Working with Direct Debit collectionsUpdated to describe how to export direct debit files and how to use reversal rules.
Defining Tolerance for Reconciliation SuggestionsNew article about how to set up a tolerance for reconciliation suggestions to widen the search for ledger entries, and improve matching and suggestion possibilities.

November 2022

Automatic PaymentsNew article about how to post purchase documents for automatic payment methods directly to the vendor.
Undoing a Bank Account ReconciliationNew article about how to undo a reconciliation posted from the bank account card.
Reimbursing Customers and Paying Credit MemosNew article about how to directly suggest and validate reimbursement payments and credit memos in the payment journal.

October 2022

Using Split CharactersNew article about how to use the Split Characters field to split a string into chunks that Statement Intelligence can use for recognizing entries.
Setting up Payment ApprovalNew article about the payment approval workflow feature.
Creating Payment Approval WorkflowsNew article about how to add an approval workflow for payments.
Editing Payment Approval WorkflowsNew article about how to edit an approval workflow for payments.
Setting up Customer StatementsNew article about adding a payment reference to the customer statement.
Setting up Payment Management MappingNew article about how to map the payment methods between Document Capture and Payment Management.
Change in product name365 has been removed from the Payment Management product name. Documentation, App name, and other related materials have been updated accordingly.
Assisted Setups for Payment ManagementUpdated to reflect the updates to the assisted setup guides: The Payment Approval Setup guide has been added and the Payment Management Setup and Payment Method Setup assisted guides have been removed.
Quick Guide - Setting up Payment ManagementUpdated to reflect the updates to the assisted setup guides: The Payment Approval Setup guide has been added and the Payment Management Setup and Payment Method Setup assisted guides have been removed.

September 2022

Bank integration overviewThe articles under the bank integration section have been updated with clearer instructions on how to set up each bank with direct or manual communication, and links to detailed step-by-step procedures.
Setting up Customer StatementsNew article in the section Setting up Customer Payments of how to print customer statements with a payment reference, allowing customers to pay multiple invoices using a single payment reference.
Business FunctionalityUpdated to include the Direct Debit module and the Payment Approval module.
Setting up Payment ApprovalNew section with three articles about how to set up and edit Payment Approval, and manage the approval requests.
Payment Management PermissionsUpdated the article with the new CPM365 APPRADMIN permission set that users must have to set up and edit payment approval workflows.


License and Granules for Payment ManagementUpdated to include the granule for Continia Payment Management Payment Approval and Direct Debit.
Setting up validation of purchase journalsNew article that describes the details of purchase journals validation, and how to set it up.


Overview of Payment JournalsNew article that gives you an overview of all the articles on Docs related to setting up and using Payment Management-enabled payment journals.
Overview of Reconciling Bank AccountsNew overview article with information about all the articles on Docs related to bank account reconciliation.
Defining Sender ReferenceUpdated the article to include that the default sender reference template code has been changed to be the first 16 digits of the transaction ID.
Managing Cash DiscountsUpdated the article with a note about a new check box Payment Discount Applied on the journal line, that will tell you if a payment discount has been applied to a payment.
Managing the Import of Bank Account StatementsThe procedure "To define import file format for account statements" has been removed because it is no longer required to define the import file format on the bank account card.
Setting up Direct Debit Collections and Grouping EntriesNew separate article that describes how to set up direct debit collections and how to group the direct debit collection entries.
Setting up Direct DebitUpdated the article to include how to set up direct debit reversal rules.


Payment Management PermissionsUpdated the article with the new CPM365 BEXD ADMIN permission set.


Setting up Direct DebitNew article about how to set up and use Payment Management Direct Debit.


Sparebanken VestNew bank card article for Sparebanken Vest with information with an overview of the supported bank communication types and file formats.
Handelsbanken (Nettbedrift)New bank card article for Handelsbanken (Nettbedrift) with an overview of the supported bank communication types and file formats.
Onboarding Sparebanken VestNew article that describes the process of setting up a Sparebanken Vest bank account to use Direct Communication.
Onboarding Handelsbanken (Nettbedrift)New article that describes the process of setting up a Handelsbanken (Nettbedrift) bank account to use Direct Communication.