Payment Management Setup Page
The general setup of Continia Payment Management contains information that the extension uses when running various functions.
- Select the icon
, type in Payment Management Basic Setup, and select the related link.
- Below you will find descriptions of the individual fields and functions in the window, and what consequences this has for the use of Payment Management.
- When you have completed the setup, select OK.
If you have completed the Assisted setup guide for Payment Management, you have already reviewed the most necessary setups of Payment Management. Use the information below if you want to customize the solution or change your setup.
Field | Description |
Check before Post. Purch. Doc. | Specifies whether payment information must be validated when posting the purchase document. This is recommended. If this validation is not enabled, validation of payment information will not take place before the payments are created in the payment journal. |
Additional Payment Methods | Here you can decide which options the program should show when you want to change the payment method on a purchase document - e.g. if a purchase invoice with FI-75 payment slip is desired to be changed to a faster payment method such as an account to account transfer. There are 3 options: None: Choose between the payment methods associated with the current vendor. Related: Choose between the payment methods that are within the same group in the payment method overview. All: Choose between all payment methods in the system. Country Specific: Select if you only want to view payment methods with the same Country Code as on the vendors bank account. Requires you to fill in Country Code on each payment method. |
Move Pmt. Discount Date | Specifies whether you want to move the cash discount date if the date is a bank holiday. You can choose between 3 options: Forward: The cash discount date is moved to the next banking day. Back: The cash discount date is moved back to the prior banking day. Give Warning: You will be warned if there is a cash discount on a bank holiday. |
Unique Company Code | If you have multiple legal entities, and use Payment Management in more than one of those, you may need to create a unique company code in each legal entity. A few banks do not distinguish to which legal entity an account belongs, and therefore creates status files and account statements relevant across the entire company. By filling in the field, Unique Company Code, Payment Management can apply the unique company code + the unique UPR no. on all transactions, which makes it possible to distinguish between the transactions from different legal entities. We recommend that you enter the last 3 digits of the legal entity's VAT number, but any unique code is allowed, as long as it is unique across all legal entities in the database. The field can contain a maximum of 9 digits. |
Use Online-CBIC | CBIC, or Continia Bank Integration Component, is a component provided by Continia. The component converts the payment files, before they are sent to the bank, ensuring that the file format is supported by the requirements of the receiving bank. Also CBIC converts the status files and bank statements received from the bank, to a format that Payment Management can read. The component thus only converts the files, according to the banks' format descriptions, after which the file is always sent back to Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises, it does not send anything to the bank. From Dynamics NAV 2013 and in all Business Central on-premises installations, you have the opportunity of using an online version of the component which Continia makes available through Continia Online] (recommended). When you or your Microsoft Partner installs components, as described in section Installing components (add-ins), a local version of this component is always installed, which makes it possible for you to process Payment Management independently of the Continia Online] component. By enable Use Online-CBIC, you will therefore use the component located on Continia Online]. This is recommended. For you, it has the advantage that you do not have to update your Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises every time there are improvements in payment methods or validation rules. If you do not want to use the online version (uncheck), you or your Microsoft Partner must regularly replace the component each time a new version is released from Continia. |
Use Online Test CBIC | Same function as described under Use Online-CBIC, only with the difference that if you check this box, you will use a newer test-version of the CBIC component on Continia Online. Use Online Test-CBIC should only be used when testing updates to bank formats or when testing development of new banks, payment methods and validations. Test CBIC is only to be used in collaboration with Continia. You should only enable use of Online Test CBIC, if this is specifically requested by Continia or your Microsoft Partner. |
Test CBIC Version | Indicates the test CBIC version provided by Continia. |
Test CBIC Token | Specifies the token to use to connect to the test CBIC. The token is provided by Continia and can be ordered through your Continia partner. |
File Log Period | Specify, by using a date formula, for how long time Data imported from banks should be stored in the system. The date formula is written according to the standard method in Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises. For example, if you wish to save the files for 8 days, enter "8D". Data imported from banks is a file archive that contains the files that are imported from your bank - ie status files, account statements and account reconciliation files. The archive can be useful if, for example, you need to document and track errors within a transaction from the bank. |
Default Values
Field | Description |
Vendor Payment Group Code | Specifies the default Vendor Payment Group that is automatically applied to all new vendors. If you have several vendors, for whom the same payment method and payment setup is used, you can save time setting up the vendors, by creating a vendor payment group and apply this the vendors. Read more about how to create vendor payment groups in the article Create vendor payment groups. When a new vendor is created, Payment Management will copy the payment information from this vendor payment group into the vendor's payment information. The field should therefore only be filled in if most of your vendors have have a similar payment setup. |
Payment Nos. | Specifies an alternative number series, which is only used for a few banks (including BankGirot), where all payment files must be numbered consecutively. If your bank requires ongoing payout numbers in the files, it is specified specifically at the bank under the description of the bank in the section Bank Overview. Enter country and search the bank you use to find more information. |
Synchronize with Vendor | Specifies whether the information (name, address and payment information) on the Payment Information window on the vendor, should be synchronized with the information stated on the vendor card. This will ensure that if one of the fields is changed on the vendor card, then the corresponding field on the vendor payment information is synchronized, and vice versa. By default, this setting should be checked (Yes). This will mean that all new vendors will be created with the synchronization enabled, which is the most normal. Note, that data will not be synchronized for existing vendors. Once a vendor is created with this setting enabled, the setting will stay enabled on the vendor, even though you disable the setting here. If you want to change the setting on the vendor, it must be changed directly on the Vendor payment information. Use the AssistEdit button next to the Name. The setting Synchronize with Vendor can be managed from this window. When should you not synchronize vendor data? For example, if you wish to use a different address for all payments sent to a creditor, be disabling this field you can enter a different address on the payment information without this being synchronized with the vendor master data. |
Strip Char. - Post Code | Specifies if all special characters from the postcode field should be removed when exporting payment files to the bank. All characters except numbers are removed. The function can be used to advantage where traditionally used e.g. hyphen in postcode. Users can still use hyphens when entering the postcode while reading to the bank takes into account the removal of special characters. |
Web Service Communication
Field | Description |
Web Service Country Code | Indicates which country code is sent in the header of all web service queries. The field can only be used for Bank Connect. |
Web Service Currency Provider | Indicates which national bank you want exchange rates to be updated from. You can read more about importing and setting up exchange rates in the section Import Currency Exchange Rates. |
Requires Individual Logon | Applies to Danske Bank Web Service The fields under the group Requires individual login determine whether the certificate used for Danske Bank Web Service is imported from the user's PC or from the server, from which the ServiceTier service is run. If the fields are checked, you must install Danske Bank's root certificate (DBRoot.cer) and your user certificate locally on the user's PC. If the fields are not checked, the certificates are imported from the server from which the Service Tier service is run. |
Customer - Payment slip - Creation
Field | Description |
FIK/GIK no. | Specifies the company's vendor number stated to Nets (FIK) or BG-Bank (Giro). The vendor number will be used on payment slips sent or printed to vendors. If your company e.g. use a FIK/GIK payment slip on sales documents, you must enter the company's "Vendor agreement no." at Nets. |
IK Card Type | Specifies which card type your company uses on sales documents. The field is used when printing FI slips on sales invoices and sales account statements. IK Card type determines what information is sent to the recipient. The most commonly used slip types are slip types 71, 73 and 75. The difference between card types 71, 73 and 75: 71: Sender's name: no, Notification text: no, Payment-ID: yes 73: Sender's name: yes, Notification text: yes, Payment-ID: no 75: Sender's name: no, Notification text: yes, Payment-ID: yes Payment ID is the actual OCR line on the payment slip. |
Customer Account Statement No. | If you send out customer account statements to your customers with a FIK or Giro payment slip attached, and at the same time want the opportunity to "match" payments on a given account statement, to which invoices and credit notes are to be closed, you must enter a document number series for this purpose. . The document number is created when printing the customer statement, and it is used as Payment ID on the account statement's FI slip. In the same way, information about which customer entries are to be closed if the statement FI slip is paid is saved. The information is used so that Payment Management can close the correct entries when the payment is received. |
Customer - Payment slip - Import
Field | Description |
Payment ID Mask | Payment Management comes with predefined reports for printing invoices and account statements with FI slip. (See more under Setting up reports for printing FIK/GIK payment slips) If your company uses the predefined reports from Continia, you must not fill in Payment ID mask field, as Payment Management already knows the reports' structure of the OCR (Payment ID) line. Payment Managements structure of Payment ID is: Document no., Document type, and Modulus. As an example, the Payment ID mask could be: XXXXXXXBBBBBBBBBBCD If your company, on the other hand, uses alternative payment slips on the sales invoice and the customer account statement with another structure of the OCR line, you must specify how the OCR line is structured. The mask is generated as follows: A: Customer No. B: Document No. (Invoice No., Credit Note No. etc.) C: Document Type (Invoice = 0, Account Statement = 1, Reminder = 2, Interest Note = 3) D: Modulus check digit (always last digit on FIK) X: Must be ignored by the entry Payment ID mask can e.g. look like this: XXXXAAAAAAXXBBBBBCD If you e.g. has the following OCR line: 0000123456005432105 will Payment Management thus derive the following information from the line: Customer No.: "123456" - ("0000" is ignored by the entry) Document No..: "54321" - ("00" is ignored by the entry) Document Type: "0" - (Invoice) Modulus check digit: "5" Payment ID mask must always be exactly 19 digits long. Payment Management supports the following file formats for importing payments: The common payment format PBS FIK (DK) Payment service OCR TotalIn (SE) OCR-Giro (NO) BG Max (SE) |
If the Payment ID on the FI/GI slip (OCR line) has not been correctly written or placed, your bank will charge a fee for processing the FI/GI slip. The fee will be deducted from your bank account, and the information about the fee will typically be linked to the FIK/GIK payment.
When importing the file, Payment Management creates an additional line with the fee, as well as a description of the reason why the fee has been charged. In order for Payment Management to decide on which general ledger account the fee is to be posted, you must enter a fee account in the bank accounting group associated with your bank account.
Actions on the window
At the top of the window, under Actions, you'll find the following features specific to Payment Management:
Action | Description |
Version | Opens the About Payment Management window, where you can see which version of Payment Management you have installed, as well as other important version numbers on bank setup and communication modules. |
Setup Wizard | Opens the assisted setup guide Payment Management Setup Wizard, which is an easy and quick way to set up the base module. The wizard will help you import the bank setup file containing payment methods, validation rules, and formatting rules for the bank. While running the wizard, your bank accounts are created and/or validated, and you can define which bank account to use when paying in foreign currency. The wizard will also assist you in setting up the payment journal, and vendor payment information. |
Synchronize Payment Management Fields | Specifies if you want to synchronize information between the vendor card and the vendor payment information card. The function can be used to advantage the first time you install Payment Management and want all vendors updated. |