Statistics and history

Continia Payment Managements statistics and history give you the opportunity to get an overview of the individual payment history as well as an overall picture of the company's liquidity, while statistics give you totals for the entire payment journal. In the individual bank account, there is an additional opportunity to follow the company's liquidity status before and after the payments are made.


In the Payment overview page, choose Navigate and then select History. Here you can see the history of each payment line in relation to date, status and completion.


In the Payment overview page choose Navigate and then select Statistic. This shows you the total amount for the following fields; Amount, Fee and Number of aggregated payments, for each payment method. This can be used when negotiating fees with the bank.

Statistics before and after sending payments

In the Payment journal page, choose Navigate and Statistics and then Bank accounts. Once a payment journal is created, statistics here can provide a picture of the company's liquidity status before and after the payments are completed.