Pmt. Export Setup

To set up the payment export module:

  1. On the OPplus Role Center, go to Setup Import/Export > Pmt Export > Pmt Export Setup
  2. Select Create Setup Data. Fields, which are necessary for the use of the module, are preset with corresponding settings. Required number series are generated and entered. This processing also generates the payment types SCHECK, SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area), etc..

General tab

Default Country- / Region CodeThe country code is entered here, which is entered, for example, for SEPA or other payment formats that require a country code, if the corresponding field in the bank account card is not filled. When generating IBAN and Swift, if there is no country code in the bank account card, the OPplus payment export setup will be consulted and the code of the default country/region code field will be used.
Use Country Code FieldIn this field, you set whether the field Country code (=Code), the "EU Country/Region Code" field or the "ISO Bank Code" field from the Countries/Regions table should be considered for the payment export. The ISO Bank Code field is a new field in the Countries/Regions table, which can be used optionally in this area.
Approval neededIf you activate this option, the "Approval needed" functionality takes effect. This function is then a mandatory part of the functional processes in the payment proposal.
Please note that the approval upon activation only applies to newly created payment proposals. If payment proposals already exist at this time, the release does not yet apply to them. Once the option is set, each new payment proposal must be approved by another user before a payment file can be created and the postings generated and posted. If this is not the case, a corresponding error message will appear.
Apply Entries manuallyIf this option is selected, then no lines will be marked for payment, but only suggested. You must then manually navigate to the payment lines and mark entries for payment accordingly. This function is useful if only certain invoices are presented for payment. These can be marked manually in this case. In addition, you can see which documents would still be due for payment.
Limit Payment Amount (LCY)Use this field to ensure that a new payment proposal header is created per vendor/customer if the stored payment amount would be exceeded by the next open entry. This setup is also possible separately for individual payment types.
Pmt. Dis. Tolerance acceptedIf you check this field; the application will calculate the discount due date based on the payment discount tolerance date and not on the payment discount date for the payment proposals using discount periods. The selection can be changed when calling a payment proposal.
Automatic Entry SuggestionIf this field is set, all entries due according to the setup will be automatically suggested in the payment proposal header when manually entering an account number (customer or vendor no.). In addition, the bank account search takes place.
Create Warning for missing bank Branch Codes/BIC CodesIf this field is enabled, the payment proposal will generate a warning if the bank branch no. or BIC of a customer/vendor is not included in the bank branch table.
ISO Pmt.: Warn if Schema miss.If one wants to make payments by ISO PMT, setups must be made for the ordering bank and for the receiving bank. For this purpose there are the Pmt. Schemas Orderer Bank and Pmt. Transaction Schemas. Here settings must be made for the respective bank and the respective country. If this field is activated, a warning is displayed if the schemes are not filled accordingly.
Verify ISO 11649 ReferenceIf this field is activated, a check for ISO 11649 takes place for the ISO payment type.
Register deleted Pmt. ProposalsIf you activate this option, the deleted payment proposals will be included as "Deleted Payment Proposal" in the registered payment proposals to ensure a complete numbering.
Save IBAN in blocks of 4erIf this check mark is set, the IBAN entered by the user is automatically displayed in blocks of 4; even if it was previously entered without spaces. This serves the visually easier readability of an IBAN. You can change this setting during operation without any problems. Within the program logic always the IBAN without spaces is considered.
Pmt. Suggestion No. SeriesHere you need to enter the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to the payment proposals.
Standing Order No. SeriesHere you must enter the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to the standing orders.
Posting No. SeriesHere you must enter the code of the number series that will be used to assign voucher numbers to the payment files. If the entries are created from a payment proposal, the system will use this number series for the document numbers.
Dir. Deb. Mandates No. SeriesHere you must enter the code of the number series used to uniquely identify the direct debit mandates. The number series is used in the Mandate ID field on the customer/vendor bank account card. According to SEPA requirements, this must be a reference number with a maximum of 35 digits, assigned by your company and unique within your company, to identify the mandate.
Check Report IDIn OPplus we offer a report for check printing. If you want to use a special report for checks, you can enter the ID of the report here. This report will then be called and displayed instead of the OPplus report.
SEPA Due Date Mandate Report IDIn OPplus we offer a report for the direct debit mandate. If you want to use a special report for direct debit mandates, you can enter the ID of the report here. This report will then be called and displayed instead of the OPplus report.
SEPA Reclassification Report IDIn OPplus we offer a report for the SEPA reallocation. If you want to use a special report for SEPA reallocations, you can enter the ID of the report here. This report will then be called and displayed instead of the OPplus report.
Colored Report-HyperlinksIf this field is activated, the master data record in the respective reports is underlined in color in the print preview. You then have the option of drilling down into the master data record.

Create Payment Proposal tab

Pmt. Interval Due DateAt this point you can specify a date formula that will be used to suggest the due date in the payment proposal to be created.
Pmt. Interval Payment Discount DateAt this point you can specify a date formula that will be used to suggest the payment discount date in the payment proposal to be created.
Vendor Pmt. Discount Option in Payment SuggestionThis option is automatically taken over in the payment proposal when calling a vendor payment proposal (not via templates). This is necessary for the calculation of a payment date. This value can be overridden manually in the payment proposal.
Customer Pmt. Discount Option in Payment SuggestionThis option is automatically taken over into the payment proposal when calling up a customer payment proposal (not via templates). This is necessary for the calculation of a collection date. This value can be overridden manually in the payment proposal.
Interval Disc. for Option in PeriodIf you enter a date formula here, the field 'Pmt. Discount Due to' will be calculated accordingly. This field is only used if the discount option is set to 'Generally in Period' in the payment proposal.
Default Payment Type VendorWhen creating the payment proposal, the system checks whether a payment method with an assigned payment type is stored in the entry or vendor. If there is none stored, the payment type from this field will be used in the payment proposal. This is useful if only one payment type is used for vendor payments.
Default Payment Type CustomerWhen creating the payment proposal, the system checks whether a payment method with an assigned payment type is defined in the entry or customer. If none is defined, the payment type from this field will be used in the payment proposal. This is useful if only one payment type is used for customer payments.
Default Payment Type G/L accountHere you enter the payment type to be used for a G/L account proposal.
Default Payment Type EmployeeHere you enter the payment type to be used for an employee proposal.
Summarize per Pmt. HeadIf this field is activated, only one entry will be created per payment proposal header on the account entered in the General tab and not one entry per cleared entry. This selection can be changed when calling a new payment proposal. Please note that when using this option, no dimensions from the individual entries are included in an associated payment discount amount entry.
Show all open entriesIf you check this box, the application will by default display all open entries in a payment proposal and not only the entries that are due for payment. The due entries will be automatically marked for payment (application set). The other open entries are initially not marked, but could be manually added to the payment using the Process button with the Set/Delete Application function. This selection can be changed when calling a new payment proposal.
With BacklogIf you set a check mark in this field, payment proposal cards will also be created for those vendors or customers for whom there is a total overpayment (= backlog) due to the entries due. This activation is transferred to the payment proposal, but can be set differently there.
Association Pmt.This option is only available if you have licensed the OPplus Associations module. If you check this box, the application will display all open entries of an association in a payment proposal by default. This selection can be changed when calling a new payment proposal.
Cust./Vend. LinkingThis option is only available if you have licensed the OPplus Associations module. If you check this box, the application will display all open entries of a customer/vendor association in a payment proposal by default. This selection can be changed when calling a new payment proposal.
Action after CreatingUse this field to specify which area should open after the payment proposal is started.

Create payment tab

Clearing SenderThe entry in this field will be included in the payment file as the ordering party.
Codeunit WebserviceEnter here the code unit that will be called to process the payment providers. For the standard payment export application, please use ID 5157905.


To be able to use the functionalities of the output / storage paths in the file import, file export, and CSV ports in an On Prem installation, an extra extension must be installed. This is the extension "OPplus On Prem Extension".

In a Saas installation, the paths are not available.

Azure Blob Storage Connection tab

Send Pmt. File to Azure BlobIf you activate this field, you must also fill the other Azure fields. The payment files are then automatically sent to the storage and stored there. In order to use this Microsoft-managed service, a new storage account must be created in the Azure Portal.
Storage Account NameEnter the storage account name that was set up in the Microsoft Azure portal.
Storage Folder NameSpecify here the directory in Azure Blob Storage where the payment files should be created.
Shared Access KeyEnter the access key for authentication for the Azure Blob Storage here.

SEPA tab

Homepage EPCThis field displays the link to the pages about SEPA direct debits on the homepage of the European Payments Council (epc). To open it, click the hyperlink button to the right of the field.
Fill SEPA PurposeIf this check mark is set, 35 characters are always transferred per purpose line in the payment proposal header; even if the purpose line contains only 10 characters, for example. Blank characters are then filled.
SEPA Extd. CharsetIf you have checked this box, special characters such as "äüö" will also be transmitted in the file and will not be displayed as "ae".
Invalid SEPA CharactersIn the payment export setup, it is now possible to set up invalid SEPA characters. If nothing is entered, the following characters are active:
0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-?().,+: /
Numbers (0-9) must not be set up as invalid characters.
Calculate SHA256 HashIf you check this box, the SEPA files will be encrypted. The encryption value will be printed accordingly on the accompanying sheet.
SEPA Transfer VersionEnter here the SEPA version used by the bank for the transfer. This results in the corresponding headers of the XML file. The following values are available:
SEPA 3.0 or higher (2016), SEPA 2.7 (2013), SEPA 2.6 (2012).
SEPA GroupingIn this field, you set the grouping. The following options are available:
blank, MIXD, SNGL, GRPD.
The default setting is blank. The field content should only be changed in consultation with your bank.
SEPA Credit Transfer Batch BookingCheck this box if you want to map SEPA transfers as collective transfers. This means no changes to the process for the user; only the statement is displayed as a total. Example: If a SEPA proposal is carried out for 2,000 creditors, 2,000 lines would appear individually on the account statement. This functionality provides a summary in this case.
EndToEndID Credit TransferHere you can select "Unique", "Not issued" or "NOTPROVIDED". If unique is selected, a unique EndToEndID will always be written to the payment file for transfers. If "Not issued" is selected, no EndToEndID will be written to the file and if "NOTPROVIDED" is selected, this text will be written to the file.
Prefix TransferIf you enter a prefix here, this prefix will be added to the EndToEndID
Creditor IdentifierIn order to use SEPA direct debits, you must apply in advance for a Creditor Identifier and set up mandates.
SEPA DirDeb VersionEnter here the SEPA version used by the bank for the transfer. This results in the corresponding headers of the XML file. The following values are available:
SEPA 3.0 or higher (2016), SEPA 2.7 (2013), SEPA 2.6 (2012)
SEPA Direct Debit CollectionCheck this box if you want to map SEPA direct debits as collective direct debits. This means no changes to the process for the user; only the statement is displayed as a total. Example: If a SEPA proposal is carried out for 2,000 debtors, 2,000 lines would appear individually on the account statement. This functionality provides a summary in this case.
EndToEndID Dir. Deb.Here you can select "Unique", "Not issued," or "NOTPROVIDED". If unique is selected, a unique EndToEndID will always be written to the payment file for direct debits. If "Not issued" is selected, no EndToEndID will be written to the file and if "NOTPROVIDED" is selected, this text will be written to the file.
Prefix Dir. DebIf you enter a prefix here, this prefix will be added to the EndToEndID.
SEPA Due in Pmt. FileFor SEPA direct debits, there are certain deadlines that you must meet when you give these direct debits to the bank. These deadlines include the time span with which the direct debits have to be handed over to your bank in advance, so that the direct debits can be collected in time. These deadlines can be stored in the payment export setup. By the OPplus setup routine these are preset with default values, but you can change them manually. Some banks calculate the deadlines themselves based on the data transferred in the file. If this is not the case, this checkmark must have been set accordingly in the setup.
Mandate TranslationsThis field contains a link that redirects to the current mandate translations on the homepage of the EPC (European Payments Council).
Rem. Terms Code for Mandate MailAssign here a reminder method for the e-mail with which you send the mandates. I.e. that with this reminder method, using the pre-text, the e-mail text will be generated.
Mandate ID equals Account No.If you activate this field, the SEPA mandate number is formed by the account no. of the master record. Since several mandates can be used per bank account, a consecutive number is added to the number, e.g. XXXXX-001.
Log Mandate CreationIf this field is checked, the printing of the SEPA mandate will be recorded as an Interaction Log Entry.
Mandate Creation Interaction TemplateIf this field is checked, the printing of the SEPA mandate will be recorded as an Interaction Log Entry.
Adj. Due Date CORE one-off paymentDefault value 6 (=days) before due date
Adj. Due Date CORE first paymentDefault value 6 (=days) before due date
Adj. Due Date CORE recurrent paymentDefault value 3 (=days) before due date
Adj. Due Date B2BDefault value 2 (=days) before due date
SEPA Bank Due over TargetIf this check mark is set, the due days are additionally calculated according to Target. This means that holidays and weekends (i.e. days when banks are not working) are added additionally. Weekends are always subtracted.
This check mark is independent of a setup in the target calendar. Even if this is not managed, weekends are automatically skipped. If additional target days are then set up in the target calendar, these will also be taken into account.

Payment Advise tab

Payment Advise File PathSpecify the path to save the payment advice as a file.
Advice Shipping AutomaticSelect here which advice shipping type is to be selected when creating the advice.

Reporting (DE-Bundesbank) tab

Reporting Limit (LCY)In this field, the reporting limit of 12,500€ is entered as default.
Reporting on Single DocumentThere are 2 options when reporting: Single document whose amount exceeds the reporting limit per month, country and key figure reached total amount exceeds the reporting limit. With this check mark you control which option is used for your company. If the checkmark is set, option 1 applies. If the checkmark is not set (default), option 2 applies.
Use Trading Type from VendorIf the field is set, only personal accounts that have entered a trade type will be considered.
Default Trading Type VendorIf no trade type has been set up in the vendor, the trade type stored here will be entered in the entry list and in the payment proposal header.
Default Service No. VendorIf no service number has been set up in the vendor, the service number stored here will be entered in the message record and in the payment proposal header.
Detailed Vendor ReportingUnder the option "Post Pmt. Sum" option of the OPplus setup the total payment amount per vendor will be posted first in the extended application in case of multiple selections in the payment import module, then it will be posted again as reversal, afterwards the single balancing entries will be made. If you set a check mark here, the individual clearing entries are evaluated, individual clearing amounts can thus be assigned to another service number. If the indicator is not set, the total payment amount is evaluated.
Use Trading Type from CustomerIf the field is set, only personal accounts that have entered a trade type will be considered.
Default Trading Type CustomerIf no trade type has been set up in the customer, the trade type stored here will be entered in the message record and in the payment proposal header.
Default Service No. CustomerIf no service number has been set up in the customer, the service number stored here will be entered in the message record and in the payment proposal header.
Detailed Customer ReportingUnder the option "Post Pmt. Sum" option of the OPplus setup the total payment amount per customer will be posted first in the extended application in case of multiple selections in the base module, then it will be written off again as reversal, afterwards the single balancing entries will be made. If you check this box, the individual clearing entries will be evaluated and individual clearing amounts can be assigned to a different service number. If the indicator is not set, the total payment amount is evaluated.
Company No.In this field the company number must be entered, which will be transmitted with the message.
ContactThe contact person for the reporting system must be entered in this field. This will be transferred during reporting.
Contact Phone No.The telephone number of the contact person must be stored in this field. This will be transmitted during the message.
Contact E-MailThe e-mail address of the contact person must be stored in this field. This will be transmitted during the message.
Add Company Name to Reporting FileIf this check mark is set, the client name is added to the file name of the message file.

Necessary client bank account master data

Bank Accounts (client bank account)

For their client bank accounts, you must fill in the following fields of the bank account card:

CodeThe number for the bank account must be entered in this field.
Bank Branch No. (optional)If the value you enter in this field exists in the Bank Branch codes table, the following fields of the bank account card will be filled with the values of the Bank Branch codes table (Field Bank Account Card and Table Field Bank Branch Code):
Name - Short Description
Post Code - Post Code
City - City
Country/Region Code - Country Code
Bank Branch No. - Bank Branch Code
If you browse via the OPplus bank account card, you can also use a lookup to go to the table behind it and select a record.
Bank Account No.Enter the account number as you want it to appear in the payment file.
Bank Acc. Posting GroupAt this point you need to enter a code for the bank account posting group of the bank account.
SWIFT CodeThis field is relevant for the SEPA payment type. If the value you enter in this field exists in the Bank Branch Codes table, the following fields of the bank account card will be filled with the values of the Bank Branch Codes table (Field Bank Account Card and Table Field BIC / SWIFT Codes):
Name - Short Description
Post Code - Post Code
City - City
Country/Region Code - Country Code
Bank Branch No. - Bank Branch Code
If you branch via the OPplus bank account card, you can also go to the table behind it via lookup and select a record.
IBANThis field is relevant for the SEPA payment type. Here you enter the IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

OPplus tab

Pmt. File PrefixHere you can enter a prefix, which is written specifically for the bank for the name of the payment file.
MT101 AddressIn this field you can enter the recipient of the MT101 payment file. As a rule, enter the BIC code here.
MT103 AddressIn this field you can enter the recipient of the MT103 payment file. As a rule, enter the BIC code here.
Charge to Account No.If you do not want the fee to be charged to the current bank account, you can enter an alternative bank account.
Customer No.Here you can enter the customer number you have with the bank.
Alt. Creditor IdentifierThis number can only be used meaningfully in the case of a factoring bank. In this case it could be that you enter the creditor identification number of the factoring bank here.
Payment in Process AmountThis field branches to the open payment entries. A payment entry can be closed in combination with the 5157830 G/L Open Entries module. The amount is displayed in the currency of the bank account.
Payment in Process Amount (LCY)This field branches to the open payment entries. A payment entry can be closed in combination with the 5157830 G/L Open Entries module. The amount is displayed in the client currency.
Clearing Sender IDSome banks require a clearing participant number, which is entered here.
Check Report IDIf you work with checks and you want to use different check layouts per bank, you can store the corresponding report here.
Supplemental Branch CodeIf the bank expects the branch number in the payment file, you can enter it here.
Payment Provider Code ExportIf, in contrast to the general payment provider setup for this bank, a different web service is to be used to transfer the payment data, the corresponding code unit must be entered here.
Provider Bank IDIf an individual provider ID is expected for the transfer of payment data via web service for this bank, it can be entered here.

To be able to use the functionality of the output / storage paths in the file import, file export and CSV ports in an On Prem installation, an extra extension must be installed. This is the extension "OPplus On Prem Extension".

In a Saas installation the paths are not available.